Walter, Johannes (Dr.-Ing.)

Dr.-Ing. Johannes Walter

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Partikelsynthese

Room: Room 01.808
Cauerstraße 4
91058 Erlangen

Curriculum Vitae:

Johannes Walter is postdoctoral researcher and group leader for nanoparticle characterization in the liquid phase at the Institute of Particle Technology. He obtained his diploma thesis (2012) in Chemical and Biological Engineering and his doctorate (2017) in Particle Technology both at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Since December 2018, he is scientific coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Center for Functional Particle Systems and since 2020 managing director of the Collaborative Research Centre 1411 “Design of Particulate Products”. His research interests focus on multidimensional characterization of nanoparticles with respect to size, shape, density and spectral properties. In particular, he develops new techniques and methodologies for analytical ultracentrifugation and analytical centrifugation.

Selected Publications:

A full list can be found here.