Frank , Uwe (M. Sc.)
Frank , Uwe (M. Sc.)
Selected Publications:
A full list can be found here.
- Lautenbach, V., Onishchukov, G., Wawra, S., Frank, U., Hartmann, L., Peukert, W., & Walter, J. (2024). Development of an advanced multiwavelength emission detector for the analytical ultracentrifuge. Nanoscale Advances.
- Frank, U., Dienstbier, J., Tischer, F., Wawra, S., Gromotka, L., Walter, J.,... Peukert, W. (2023). Multidimensional Fractionation of Particles. Separations, 10(4).
- Frank, U., Drobek, D., Sánchez-Iglesias, A., Wawra, S., Nees, N., Walter, J.,... Peukert, W. (2023). Determination of 2D Particle Size Distributions in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Colloids via Analytical Ultracentrifugation: Application to Gold Bipyramids. ACS nano.
- Frank, U., Uttinger, M., Wawra, S., Lübbert, C., & Peukert, W. (2021). Progress in Multidimensional Particle Characterization. KONA Powder and Particle Journal.
- Furat, O., Frank, U., Weber, M., Wawra, S., Peukert, W., & Schmidt, V. (2020). Estimation of bivariate probability distributions of nanoparticle characteristics, based on univariate measurements. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering.