Segets ,Doris (Prof. Dr.)
Prof. Dr. Doris Segets
Selected Publications:
A full list can be found here.
- Stauch, C., Süß, S., Luxenhofer, R., Binks, B.P., Segets, D., & Mandel, K. (2018). Quantifying Surface Properties of Silica Particles by Combining Hansen Parameters and Reichardt's Dye Indicator Data. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 35(12).
- Damm, C., Thoma, M., Hoffmann, E.-M., Sattes, M.-M., Segets, D., Peukert, W., & Lin, W. (2018). Simple and Reliable Method for Studying the Adsorption Behavior of Aquivion lonomers on Carbon Black Surfaces. Langmuir, 34(41), 12324-12334.
- Yang, T., Segets, D., Thajudeen, T., Han, Y., & Peukert, W. (2018). The effect of mixing on silver particle morphology in flow synthesis. Chemical Engineering Science, 192, 254-263.
- Lee, H., Segets, D., Süß, S., Peukert, W., Chen, S.-C., & Pui, D.Y.H. (2018). Retention mechanisms of 1.7 nm ZnS quantum dots and sub-20 nm Au nanoparticles in ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 567, 58-67.
- Süß, S., Metzger, C., Damm, C., Segets, D., & Peukert, W. (2018). Quantitative evaluation of nanoparticle classification by size-exclusion chromatography. Powder Technology, 339, 264-272.