Römling ,Lukas (M. Sc.)

Lukas Römling, M. Sc.

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Partikelsynthese

Room: Room 00.802
Haberstraße 9a
91058 Erlangen

Curriculum Vitae:

Since 2021: PhD candidate in Prof. Nicolas Vogel´s group at the chair for particle technology, focusing on the research on photonic structures produced by various self-assembly techniques.

2018-2021: Elite Master Program Advanced Materials and Processes with focus on Nanotechnology and Biomaterial Engineering

2017: Internship and BASF SE in Perfomance Materials division

2015 – 2016: Student Assistant at Fraunhofer IISB

2013 – 2017: Bachelor degree in Nanotechnology at FAU Erlangen – Nuremberg
Bachelor thesis on the synthesis of photo stimulated luminescent nanoparticles

Selected Publications:

Full list here