Björn Düsenberg
Björn Düsenberg
Recent publications:
A full list can be found here.
- Tischer, F., Düsenberg, B., Kaschta, J., Bück, A., Peukert, W., & Schmidt, J. (2024). Poly(butylene terephthalate) for Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers: Feedstock Precipitation and Powder Characterization. ACS Applied Polymer Materials.
- Tischer, F., Cholewa, S., Groppe, P., Granath, T., Düsenberg, B., Mandel, K.,... Schmidt, J. (2024). Magnetic polyamide 11 powder for the powder bed fusion process by liquid-liquid phase separation and crystallization. Additive Manufacturing, 88.
- Düsenberg, B., Schmidt, J., Sensoy, I., & Bück, A. (2023). Flowability of plant based food powders: Almond, chestnut, chickpea, coconut, hazelnut and rice. Journal of Food Engineering, 357.
- Tischer, F., Cholewa, S., Düsenberg, B., Drummer, D., Peukert, W., & Schmidt, J. (2023). Polyamide 11 nanocomposite feedstocks for powder bed fusion via liquid-liquid phase separation and crystallization. Powder Technology, 424.
- Düsenberg, B., Schmidt, J., Singh, A.K., & Bück, A. (2023). Spray agglomeration of polymer particles: Influence of spray parameters on shape factors. Powder Technology, 422.