Chiera, Salvatore (M.Sc. Hons)
Chiera, Salvatore (M.Sc. Hons)
Recent publications:
A full list can be found here.
- Chiera, S., Ghetina, M., Zimmermann, T., Wintzheimer, S., Stauch, C., Loebmann, P.,... Vogel, N. (2023). Mechanical Stability of Liquid-Infused Surfaces Based on Mussel-Inspired Polydopamine Chemistry. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering.
- Rey, M., Walter, J., Harrer, J., Perez, C.M., Chiera, S., Nair, S.,... Vogel, N. (2022). Versatile strategy for homogeneous drying patterns of dispersed particles. Nature Communications, 13(1).
- Chiera, S., Koch, V., Bleyer, G., Walter, T., Bittner, C., Bachmann, J., & Vogel, N. (2022). From Sticky to Slippery: Self-Functionalizing Lubricants for in Situ Fabrication of Liquid-Infused Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
- Chiera, S., Bittner, C., & Vogel, N. (2021). Substrate-Independent Design of Liquid-Infused Slippery Surfaces via Mussel-Inspired Chemistry. Advanced Materials Interfaces.
- Canziani, H., Chiera, S., Schuffenhauer, T., Kopp, S.-P., Metzger, F., Bück, A.,... Vogel, N. (2020). Bottom-Up Design of Composite Supraparticles for Powder-Based Additive Manufacturing. Small.