DFG priority program 2289: Two new projects for LFG

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The Institute of Particle Technology successfully placed two projects within the new priority program „Creation of Synergies in Tailor-made Mixtures of Heterogeneous Powders: Hetero Aggregations of Particulate Systems and Their Properties” (SPP 2289).

The program is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for up to six years and investigates the opportunities of combining nanoscaled aggregates of different materials to create new properties.

The principal investigators and the projects are

  1. Lübbert/W. Peukert: Charge-induced mixing of particles for the formation of structured materials and their comprehensive characterization
  2. Bück/J. Schmidt: Formulation of hetero-aggregates in continuously-operated opposed jet fluidized beds

More information on the priority program can be found here:


