
Welcome to the homepage of the Institute of Particle Technology / Willkommen auf der Internetseite des Lehrstuhls für Feststoff- und Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik (LFG)

The Institute of Particle Technology is one of 11 research and teaching institutes in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBI) within the Faculty of Engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).

Original founded in 1968 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Molerus as the Institute of “Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik” it was renamed in 2003 to “Lehrstuhl für Feststoff- und Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik (LFG)” when Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Peukert took over as head of the institute. This name, which translates to “Chair of Solid and Interface Process Engineering” reflects the importance of the properties and processing of particle surfaces and interfaces for many areas in science and technology. In view of the internationally recognized field of particle science and technology, the English name of the institute is Particle Technology.

The institute’s research stretches over four research groups, is highly interdisciplinary and contributes to numerous local, national and international collaborative projects. Starting from a molecular understanding of particle surfaces and interfaces, methods of particle production and processing are examined in hierarchically structured approaches. The experimental work is supported by theoretical approaches and models. Molecular modelling (DFT, MD) as well as continuum approaches (FEM, CFD) and particle-based methods (population balances) are employed. The institute has numerous contacts to other research groups and companies worldwide.

LFG research was showcased at the annual meeting of the DECHEMA/VDI specialist groups on Interface-Dominated Systems and Processes, Crystallization, Mechanical Liquid Separation, and Particle Measurement Technology. This event, held from 27-28 February 2024 at the DECHEMA headquarters in Frankfurt a...

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We are happy to announce that our CRC1411 will receive fundings to continue its research for the next 4 years. After a successful first funding period under the guidance of Prof. Wolfgang Peukert, we will continue our activities with Prof. Nicolas Vogel as spokesperson, and Prof. Martin Hartmann wil...

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Professor W. Peukert and Professor N. Vogel have been included in the prestigious Stanford List 2023, which brings together the top 2% most cited scientists. Prof. Peukert is the head of the institute of particle technology since 2023 and his research interests are widespread in Particle Technolo...

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